Mayor Kristine L. Hill called the regular meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00 pm.

Roll call was taken by Clerk Kathy Leathers who also recorded the written minutes. Commissioners Toby Johnson, Bruce Hill, Mary Jo Sigel and Derrick Maupin were present.

Minutes of the October 1, 2013 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.

Mayor Hill opened the meeting by telling those present that great things happen with positive attitudes. The council would rather seek solutions than having an attitude that it won’t work and never try at all. She said, when citizens verbally run down the Village and nit-pick to everyone with idle gossip, they hurt their neighbors and greatly damage this community as to how we are perceived.

She encouraged the audience to come to this board with your issues but, come also with your solutions and keep our home, our community a family united as one for the growth and positive future. She asked everyone present to stand against the badgering and complaining about nonsense. It isn’t about one of us; it’s about all of us.

Mayor Hill added, after this meeting, she strongly recommends anyone who would like to speak during the public portion of the meeting should ask to be placed on the agenda at least five days before the regular meeting will be held. Al Morthland, who was present, said he feels the public has a right to speak, (be put on the agenda to discuss things) (highlighted are removed at the request of Commissioner Sigel underlined area inserted at the request of Commissioner Sigel). Mayor Hill agreed everyone has the right to speak. She said, If you wish be addressed you need to contact the Village Clerk five days prior. This gives the council time to prepare to address and/or answer your concerns in a timely matter.

Resident Al Morthland, who was present to continue questioning the police department and their policies, told the council, meetings are open to the public and it’s their right to speak. Morthland asked if Strike is a part-time cop. Mayor Hill said yes. Commissioner Sigel is concerned about references in village ordinance that limit the number of hours part-time officers are allowed to work. (Highlighted area added at the request of Commissioner Sigel.)

On a motion by Commissioner Sigel, second by Commissioner Maupin, a Class E liquor license was approved for Casey’s Retail Company, dba Casey’s General Store #1304, 201 S. Main St. from November 1, 2013 to April 30, 2014 for a fee of $600.00. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, Maupin and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

On a motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Hill, a Class A liquor license was approved for the Kickback Saloon, (Bonnie Anderson), 102 N. Main St. from November 1, 2013 to April 30, 2014 for a fee of $400.00. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, Maupin and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

Clerk Leathers informed the council there is nothing new to report on the closing status of the IEPA Loan Infrastructure Project.

Discussion next turned to the sidewalk issue at the Kickback Saloon. It has been reported estimated costs to replace the entire walk on the east and south sides of the building will come in over $20,000.00. The village has been working with Anderson, the owner, to alleviate concerns her insurance company had with several “trip factor” issues. Commissioner Sigel said she has concerns about the issue since the Village had previously taken full responsibility for the sidewalks. Sigel was concerned about the liability the village could face if in fact the problem was not alleviated correctly. Mayor Hill had previously reported those issues have now been
taken care of and that if any case of liability suit both parties would be held accountable. Mayor Hill advised Anderson she had been in touch with the Kickback’s insurance carrier and as far as they are concerned, there are no longer any issues that could negatively impact the business.

Anderson thanked Mayor Hill for “squaring” it with the insurance company. Mayor Hill stated the Village will continue to look for grant opportunities in replacing sidewalks such as Anderson’s. Hill stated she and Commissioner Hill had previously measured sidewalks village-wide, along with photos and notes in case grant monies do become available.

Mayor Hill next advised the Council the village-owned building on South Main Street has been appraised and they should look forward to hearing from the appraisal company soon. Hill stated internet services throughout the area were down over the weekend and has caused a delay with completion of the appraisal. Discussion of the issue will continue once the council receives a fair market value for the property.

Next on the agenda, a discussion, continued from the last meeting, of buying or leasing a new backhoe. The current village owned backhoe has been down for quite some time. With instructions from Mayor Hill, Public Works Superintendent, Tom Pierce contacted an equipment company in Rock Island for purchase/lease option prices. Martin Equipment had offered to take the village’s used backhoe on trade-in for $4,500.00. The lease option would allow the village to pay payments of around $880.50 per month for sixty months with an option to buy the equipment at the end of the lease term for $25,100.00. The lease agreement would also include a warranty as well. Mayor Hill has recommended the council consider the lease option. Commissioners have not been certain the lease option was a viable solution. Commissioner Hill advised, the price quoted for the equipment was lower than what any other business would pay because of State of Illinois pricing. He has talked with area contractors who have purchased used equipment at a cheaper cost that have resulted in being a money pit needing constant repairs. Commissioner Sigel advised she was concerned with spending that type of money. Clerk Leathers advised them of the effects on the village budget using the lease option, purchasing such equipment outright or obtaining financing of the whole amount through a bank or other financial institution. She told them as treasurer, the lease option might be their wisest option rather than funding the purchase through a bank or other option or even spending thousands of dollars to repair the current backhoe. The Council has commented in previous meetings how unfortunate it is that frequently used equipment has been failing recently resulting in the Village’s need to replace a dump truck, a utility truck and now the backhoe. Mayor Hill called for a motion and a second on the issue. On a motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Maupin, approval was given to lease a 2012 John Deere 310K Backhoe from Martin Equipment in Rock Island at a cost of $880.50 per month for sixty months with a purchase option of $25,100.00 at the end of the lease term with the current backhoe being used as a trade in. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Maupin and Mayor Hill. Commissioner Sigel voted “No”. The motion carried.

On a motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Hill, Resolution No. R03-13-10-15 to pay Motor Fuel Tax Fund project costs in the amount of $10,633.23 was approved. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, Maupin and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

On a motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Sigel, approval was given to pay the annual website fees for the Tampico Historical Society in the amount of $479.76. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, Maupin and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

Discussion then turned to future plans for the current Village Hall. Mayor Hill asked for the Council’s thoughts on what should be done with the building. She advised she would have an appraisal done to see what options the council would have such as selling the building outright or leasing to an interested party. Commissioner Sigel and Commissioner Maupin advised they would like to see the building sold outright and as quickly as possible. Commissioner Johnson stated he would favor a lease option if nothing else. Mayor Hill advised further discussion could be held when the appraisal figures are received.

Council members have made an initial review of space available at the former grade school building. Commissioner Johnson advised plans are to have the Tiger Club After-School-Program moved to the building. The move would allow program students to have access to the gym as well as a classroom setting. He stated the transition should be smooth. Plans to include a daycare center have also been discussed. Accommodations will also be made for the Tampico American Legion. The Legion uses the current Village Hall to store their flags and other items. The Council has also been aware of local townships interested in having a space of their own. Mayor Hill stated she hopes to have Village Hall offices moved sometime in November or early December. She will also contact other communities who have made former school buildings into a successful part of their communities. Commissioner Maupin would like to have a schedule set up for work days to ready the school building before the move.

On a motion by Commissioner Maupin, second by Commissioner Sigel, approval was given for Willett, Hofmann and Associates, Inc. – Dixon IL to proceed in designing and submitting plans for a grant to be used for sewer projects such as re-lining worn out sewer lines and improving the sewer line on South Main Place, at a cost of $6,000.00. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, Maupin and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.


Mayor Hill reported Royal Neighbors have seal-coated all the park benches in town.

Commissioner Sigel reported she had checked into the Village’s yield intersections. Council members have considered replacing the yield signs with stop signs. It is her recommendation to place stop signs at the intersection of E. Market and S. Grove, Glassburn and S. Lincoln and N. Lincoln and E. Third. Sigel advised there seem to be more children in these areas and their safety should come first. She will research how the stop signs should be placed. Mayor Hill instructed Commissioner Sigel to contact Works Superintendent, Tom Pierce and have these signs changed out.

Commissioner Hill reported he has been back on the State’s surplus, LESO, web-site. He has been working with his contact there to finally shop for surplus items the village may have need of.

Local business owner, Bonnie Anderson, told the Council she is happy at how the council has been discussing things. She stated she and other members of the public have been able to understand more about what’s going on in the village.

At 8:22 PM, a motion was made by Commissioner Maupin, second by Commissioner Sigel to adjourn the regular meeting of the Tampico Village Council and enter into a Closed Meeting session to discuss the appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Employees of the Public Body. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, Maupin and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

At 8:55 PM, a motion was made by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Hill to adjourn the Closed Session portion of the meeting and return to Regular Session at 8:55 PM. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, Maupin and Mayor Hill.

Approval was given to the minutes of the October 1, 2013 Closed Session.

Mayor Hill advised council members with the holidays coming up it may be a good idea to have one meeting in December. She instructed Clerk Leathers to review the scheduled school events and other village events to determine the best date for the meeting to be held.

She also gave them a reminder of the Reagan Statue Dedication on November 3, 2013 in Reagan Park.

Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Hill. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, Maupin and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 9:07 PM. The next regular meeting of the Tampico Village Council will be Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 7:00 PM in Tampico Village Hall.

Kathy A. Leathers

Kristine L. Hill

MINUTES APPROVED THIS _5th__ DAY OF ___November__________, 2013
**These minutes are not official until dated, signed and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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