October 1, 2013
7:00 PM
Tampico Village Hall

Mayor Kristine L. Hill called the regular meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00 PM.

Roll call was taken by Clerk Kathy Leathers who also recorded the written minutes. Commissioners Toby Johnson, Bruce Hill, Mary Jo Sigel and Derrick Maupin were present. Also present were Sergeant Boyd VanDellen and Public Works Superintendent Tom Pierce.

Minutes of the September 17, 2013 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.

Resident Al Morthland was present to continue questioning the police department and their policies.

Another resident asked the council to check into several yield intersections. He advised them drivers are not being cautious enough when they enter those intersections. Mayor Hill asked Commissioner Sigel to check into the yield intersections on Grove Street, Second Street and Lincoln Street near the Methodist and Baptist Churches. Mayor Hill advised it may be time to re-evaluate those intersections.

Clerk Leathers told the Council, there is nothing new to report concerning closing out the IEPA Infrastructure loan projects. Upon project completion, the Council learned a new bank account will be needed for setting aside monthly amounts for repayment of the recent IEPA loan.

Mayor Hill told council members and business owner, Bonnie Anderson, of little progress in the plans for redoing the sidewalks near the business. Anderson, who owns the Kickback Saloon, has been told by her insurance carrier to address safety issues with the sidewalk that allows access to her business. Anderson wanted to know when the village expects to hear from village engineers when the proper plan has been drawn up. Anderson does not understand why it’s taking so long and does not want the delay to compromise her relationship with her commercial insurance carrier.

Mayor Hill advised council members the Village Annex building on South Main Street was to be appraised on September 30, 2013. The council has been discussing selling or auctioning off the property that will no longer be needed.

Discussion turned to options in replacing the Village’s broken down backhoe. Superintendent Pierce had provided the council information on purchasing and leasing options at their last regular meeting. Commissioner Sigel questioned replacing the old unit as opposed to repairing it. The village has been told by local repair shops, the cost to repair the unit will be more than is warranted for the older, deteriorating backhoe. Apparently, the cab floor is rusting through, the hydraulic lines are leaking and that is in addition to repairing other major problems. Information Pierce provided would have the village leasing a 2012 John Deere Model 310K for $880.50 per month for 60 months. Allowing $4,500.00 as a trade-in would leave $25,100.00 as a purchase option total at the end of the 60 month lease period. Mayor Hill has recommended the lease option as a way to be easier on the village budget. Commissioner Sigel questioned how much the village actually needs another backhoe. She advises several backhoe owners around town have offered to help out when the need arises. Mayor Hill told Sigel there would be too much liability involved using a unit loaned to the Village or if the owner operated the machine on behalf of the village in addition to having to pay prevailing wage. Pierce told the council a backhoe is used for moving snow from the downtown area, water/sewer repair digs and other general maintenance. The council also discussed letting the sale of the older unit go for bids rather than use it as a trade-in. Pierce advised the council prices included in the lease option are quoted municipal prices through state bids. Businesses like Martin Equipment are used to dealing with municipal prices and offering the most affordable options. Commissioner Maupin is concerned with having nothing to show for the money after the lease period runs out. Commissioner Hill advised council members to look at the deal as an option to buy. Commissioner Johnson stated he would also like to avoid debt and monthly payments, but the “lease to own” proposal may be a good one. Johnson said previous administrations didn’t anticipate this and this council is not prepared for the expense either but something has to be done. The matter will be tabled until the next meeting.

Trick-or-Treat hours have been set for Thursday, October 31, 2013 from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM. According to village ordinance, there will no burning of any kind in the village limits from 12:01 AM to 12:00 midnite that day.

Building permits issued by Zoning Administrator, Ron Kuepker, were 201 Glassburn Street replace soffit.

REPORTS of Village Officials:

Commissioner Hill wants residents to remember there is to be no burning of trash in the village. Recreational fires in a “pit” or other enclosure are allowed along with leaf burning.

Commission Johnson advised there will be a Recreation Board meeting in Village Hall on October 2, 2013 at 6:00 PM.

He also told them the Tampico Methodist Church will be holding a fun event in Booth Park on Saturday, October 26, 2013.

Mayor Hill advised those present bridge work scheduled north of town by IDOT will not begin until March 2014 so residents will not have to deal with a detour during the winter months.

Mayor Hill also told the council, she has learned the PLT District #3 has passed a resolution to transfer ownership of the former Tampico Grade School to the village.

She also told them the newly purchased Ronald Reagan statue will be dedicated on November 3, 2013. She advised there will be a ceremony / program that day.

Commissioner Hill advised Police Chief Terry Strike will be retiring from the Prophetstown police force soon and will be in the village more.

Clerk Leathers advised the council she had recently sent out a letter to village employees in compliance with the Affordable Care Act. She told them Village Attorney William Shirk and the village’s auditor, Wipfli, have been advising her of the steps to take. She anticipates more information to come in the days and weeks ahead.

Commissioner Johnson made a motion to go into closed session at 7:38 PM. Second was made by Commissioner Hill. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, Maupin and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

Commissioner Sigel made a motion to return to open session at 8:15 PM with a second by Commissioner Maupin. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, Maupin and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Hill. “Yes” votes were Johnson, Hill, Sigel, Maupin and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:24 PM. The next regular meeting of the Tampico Village Council will be Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 7:00 PM in Tampico Village Hall.

Kathy A. Leathers

Kristine L. Hill

MINUTES APPROVE THIS _15th_ DAY OF ____October__________, 2013

**These minutes are not official until dated, signed and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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