January 2, 2024
7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center

Mayor Bruce Peltier called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00PM.

Commissioners Sherry Coleman, Susan Dean, Jim Coleman and Tammy Kendell were present. Chief Strike and Village Public Works Superintendent, Tyler Chriest, were also present. Village Clerk, Jamie McIntire, was present and recorded the written and audio minutes.

Mayor Peltier led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the December 12, 2023 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.
Minutes of the December 12, 2023 Closed Meeting were approved as presented.

Reports of Village Officials
Chief Strike gave the Mayor and Council information on possible Dispatch Fees from Whiteside County that would be effective in 2025. The annual fee for the Village would be approximately $19,000 to be split between police, fire and ambulance. Next November there will be a Public Safety Act that may pay for this fee, then the Village won’t have to pay that amount. Chief Strike advised that most Chiefs in the area explained that it’s not affordable for their communities. A new dispatch center is being built in Morrison which will now be the only dispatch location. It’s not definite at this time but Chief Strike wanted to make the Mayor and Council aware.

Remarks from Guests
Village resident, Jeff Hinton, was present to discuss a high tunnel greenhouse he would like to have on his lots located on North Washington street. He informed that he has been in contact with the USDA Department of Agriculture about it and has applied for his farm number. It would be seasonal/moveable and removed in the off season. The dimensions of the greenhouse would be approximately 30’ wide by 70’ deep and 14-15’ in height and cost approximately $20,000. The lots itself is 150’ by 150’. Commissioner Dean asked if this would be for profit and Hinton replied yes. Dean asked if they would be selling out of that structure. Hinton replied that his goal would be to sell the items at Chicago farmers markets and not selling items from that property, just producing. Hinton explained that they would be certified organic. Commissioner Kendell said we may need to ask Village attorney, Mr. Shirk, how to go about this because the lots are in a residential area, and this may be considered agricultural since he’s dealing with the USDA. The Mayor and Council advised that Hinton first speak with all the neighbors in that area to make sure they are ok with this project happening in their residential area. Once he gets that approval from everyone in the area, Mr. Shirk may have to help advise on how to move forward.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.

New Business
A motion was made by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner Dean, to approve United Health Care Insurance Renewal Rates and Humana Life Insurance effective February 1, 2024. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

Building Permits
There were no building permits to approve.

The Mayor and Council received their copies of the Illinois Municipal League magazines.

Clerk McIntire reminded the Village employee holiday party is Friday, January 12th at Harvest Bakery in Erie at 6:30PM.

Clerk McIntire also advised that garbage pick up for the Village will be on Saturday January 6th this week due to the New Years holiday. Please have out before 6:00AM. The Village does have a new driver so there have been some issues. Please call either the Village Hall office or Republic if your garbage has been missed.

Clerk McIntire informed that there have been phone calls asking if the Crown Vic PD squad is for sale. Clerk McIntire said she can write up an ordinance that’s similar to when the Village sold Surplus Property in the past and forward it to Mr. Shirk to see if it’s possible to sell it that way. The Tampico Police stickers on the outside of the vehicle do need to be removed. Superintendent Chriest said he could take care of that. Clerk McIntire will be in contact with Mr. Shirk on how to move forward with selling the vehicle.

Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner J. Coleman. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:19 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council is Scheduled for Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.

Jamie M. McIntire

Bruce Peltier


**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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