November 21, 2023
7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center

Mayor Bruce Peltier called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00PM.

Commissioners Sherry Coleman, Susan Dean, Jim Coleman and Tammy Kendell were present. Chief Strike and Village Public Works Superintendent, Tyler Chriest, were also present. Village Clerk, Jamie McIntire, was present and recorded the written and audio minutes.

Mayor Peltier led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the November 7, 2023 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.

Reports of Village Officials
Commissioner Kendell congratulated Chief Strike on the new police vehicle. Chief Strike replied thank you and said it’s really nice.

Mayor Peltier advised that Clerk McIntire will have the discussion for employee raises on the next meeting agenda. Commissioner Kendell asked we’re going to start doing that once a year at the beginning of the year, correct. Mayor Peltier replied yes.

Commissioner Kendell asked how the appointments are going for the service line inspections. Mayor Peltier replied that he called MO-ST 2 weeks ago and at that point they had between 30 and 40 completed. They said it’s not going as quickly as they hoped but asked to check back on it around the 1st of December. Mayor Peltier told them if they need assistance from the Village, they are to let us know. Mayor Peltier advised that we might have to contact those who haven’t completed the inspections and tell them if they don’t get it done the Village will be forced to disconnect their water service until it is completed. We don’t want to do that but we need to get this done.

Remarks from Guests
There were no remarks from guests.

Unfinished Business
A motion was made by Commissioner J. Coleman, second by Commissioner Kendell, to approve Ordinance NO.O03-23-11-21 Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Annual Tax Levy for all Corporate Purposes – Total Taxes Levied : $91,550.00. “yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

New Business
Next on the agenda was to discuss/approve only having one regular meeting of the Tampico Village Council for the month of December. Mayor Peltier advised that this was discussed at the last meeting and asked if the date of Tuesday, December 12th at 7PM still worked for everyone. The Council agreed to that date. Clerk McIntire reminded everyone that there will be a Public Hearing that same date at 6:50PM to discuss applying for the State of Illinois Community Development Block Grant for the second phase of the sewer relining project. Jill Pepin will be present for that discussion and information will be provided closer to that date. A motion was made by Commissioner Dean, second by Commissioner S. Coleman, to approve only having one regular meeting of the Tampico Village Council for the month of December to be held Tuesday, December 12th at 7PM. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.
The Council then discussed an ordinance regarding the Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act for the Village of Tampico. Information from Village Attorney, Mr. Shirk, was provided to the Council on this subject. Mayor Peltier advised that the Village has already become compliant with the number of paid days off when we updated our Employee Handbook not too long ago. Passing this ordinance will make the Village exempt from this Act, but that can always be changed down the road if we choose. Mr. Shirk did share that Municipalities may be exempt from this moving forward anyway, but this will help keep the Village compliant. Clerk McIntire added that this ordinance will be on the agenda to approve for the next meeting.

Building Permits
Building Permits approved by Zoning Administrator, Tyler Chriest, were 306 W. Third St. – Roof and 401 E. Booth St. – Skid Shed.

Mayor Peltier advised that conversation has started about a Village employee holiday party to be held at the Harvest Bakery located in Erie. It was held at the Break Room last year and we thought we could spread it around through the community since Erie is consolidated through the school districts in most sports. Clerk McIntire advised that an email will go out to try and set up a time and date that will work for the majority.

Clerk McIntire also advised that Casey’s has a late fee attached with the current invoice being presented with the bills. Clerk McIntire tried calling to correct the issue, and this has also happened in the past a few years back, but they’ll only credit us 50% of the late fee on the next invoice. It was explained that we only approve our bills twice a month and this payment was mailed 5 days before the due date, but for whatever reason it still showed up late to the payment department. The manager did advise that payment can now be made by phone with no charge added, so this should not be an issue in the future.
Chriest added that a while back, he has looked into getting a fuel barrel at the Village garage. Commissioner Kendell asked where he gets his fuel from now. Chriest replied FS for diesel and we currently don’t have gasoline. Commissioner J. Coleman asked if Chriest knew what was all required to have something like that. Chriest replied he did in the past with Michlig Energy and FS. Most will do a free lease on the barrels, so you’d just be paying for the fuel, and they say 8 out of 9 times it’ll be cheaper than what you pay at the store. That amount does fluctuate daily so there may be times we end up paying more. J. Coleman asked if that could be used for both public works and the PD. Kendell said you could put a meter on the hose so you could keep track of how many gallons are used by whichever vehicle then split the cost appropriately. Commissioner Dean asked if this would affect the cost of our insurance. Kendell replied since we already have the diesel barrel so it should not. Chriest advised when he checked on it previously, he just wasn’t sure on the triple wall tank, and they weren’t sure if our current tank is. They were also unsure if the Village owned the current tank. Christ advised that he thinks we do, and that the Village inherited it when the building was purchased from the school. Mayor Peltier asked if the Casey’s cards are used for just fuel. Clerk McIntire said yes and on occasion they purchased water during the warmer summer months. J. Coleman asked both Chriest and Chief Strike what would be easier for them. They both replied that it didn’t really matter. Chriest said one convenience would be being able to fuel up during the times that Casey’s is closed. Chriest added that if the Village does go with the fuel barrel, he would also like a generator transfer switch in case power was ever lost for a long period of time. Dean said it would be convenient for instances when they have to work in the middle of the night while Casey’s is closed. Mayor Peltier said I’m fine with whatever is easiest for everyone. J. Coleman suggested that Chriest get some more information and pricing information, then it can be discussed again. Kendell suggested tracking the month of December and see how many gallons are purchased to make sure we wouldn’t have gallons just sitting in the barrel and check into all the charges that would come with it. Kendell also suggested when Chriest asks about the tanks to also ask what they currently charge for fuel to compare. J. Coleman said get some more information then we can discuss it further.

Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Kendell, second by Commissioner J. Coleman. “Yes” votes were S. Coleman, Dean, J. Coleman, Kendell and Mayor Peltier. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:18 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council is Scheduled for Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.

Jamie M. McIntire

Bruce Peltier


**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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