May 16, 2017
7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center

Commissioner Derrick Maupin called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00 PM.

Commissioners Derrick Maupin, Robert Sigel, Scott Meier and Todd Tornow were present. Mayor Hill was absent. Police Chief Terry Strike was also present. Village Clerk, Kathy Leathers, recorded the written and audio minutes. The meeting was also video recorded.

Commissioner Maupin led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Sigel requested changes to the minutes of the May 2, 2017 Regular Meeting and Commissioner Tornow agreed. The minutes will be approved at the next scheduled Village Meeting.

Reports of Village Officials
Commissioner Sigel said he was never appointed as a Village Official so he has nothing to report.

Commissioner Maupin said Mississippi Valley Pump came today to do their annual inspection of the lift stations. They found two of the pumps are starting to wear out. When the oil was drained, they found that water had gotten past the seals and there was water in the oil. Maupin said the Village will need to replace both of the pumps. One pump will be replaced and one will be rebuilt. Clerk Leathers said this is the Kimball Street lift station. Sigel asked if the pumps were under warranty. Maupin said no and that they are seven years old. Maupin also said that one was already rebuilt and the other has not. The pumps are only good for one rebuild. So the Village will buy a new one and rebuild the other.

Commissioner Maupin said basketball with Rob Naples is still going on. Naples is in the process of having teams sign up and taking registrations. Maupin said when the starting date gets closer, Naples will meet with him to get the keys and give a finalized time of when the league will be in the gym on those Saturdays. It is moving forward. Sigel asked if the Village will have handouts about the league. Maupin said he can ask Naples for a flier. Tornow asked if it’s a sign up Men’s league. Maupin said yes, that you have to have a full team and the age requirement is 18 years of age and older. Sigel asked to have this information put on the Villages website or in the newspaper. Maupin said Naples usually puts an ad in newspapers. Naples has a successful league running in another town and is trying to branch out to a second town.

Remarks from Guests
Village resident Al Morthland asked Commissioner Tornow when the new Water Line will be put in. Maupin and Tornow both said they aren’t sure yet. Maupin said when the appointments are made, the new Water Commissioner and Maupin will sit down with Willett and Hoffman and go over the time line and everything that has already been done. It’ll be on the agenda once the appointments are made. Maupin said it probably won’t start until next year.

Morthland then asked Commissioner Meier if anything will be done on Lincoln street this year. Meier said he thinks the hole will be dug and filled with rock. Meier said he went by it the other day and noticed it’s been flagged and marked out.

Morthland then said that six weeks ago, the Village had an election for two positions on the board. The people voted for two guys to fill those positions, but the Mayor thought it would be more beneficial to move Commissioner Meier up. Morthland said the last time Meier was on that job, he didn’t want it. Clerk Leathers said the Mayor hasn’t done anything. Morthland said at the last meeting, the Mayor thanked Meier for moving up. Maupin said nothing’s been settled yet and nothing’s been voted on yet.

Morthland then asked Commissioner Sigel if he was in the service. Sigel said yes. Morthland then asked Sigel what looks wrong with the position here on the board. Sigel said there is someone vacant from the board. Morthland said no, the security is sitting at the board instead of sitting out at the door where he should be. Someone could come in the door and take us out with one shot. Sigel said he understands. Maupin asked Morthland if he had anything important to discuss. Morthland said he thinks this is important and wants to know why Chief Strike is sitting with the board. Chief Strike said he was appointed by the Mayor to sit at the table with the board. Morthland said that was done after the Mayor was causing trouble with himself. Chief Strike said it was done because the Mayor is leery of Morthland. Morthland said the Mayor started the trouble, not him. Chief Strike said he’s sitting at the table until he is told to sit by the door. Maupin asked Morthland if he had anything relevant to add to the meeting.

Morthland then asked Commissioner Sigel if the Village is going to let dogs run loose in town. Sigel said he would love to give an answer on that. After reading the Village Ordinances, Sigel would like to discuss getting a dog catcher for in town. Sigel said he hasn’t been appointed to a position yet. Chief Strike said the Village pays $1500 a year for animal control to come down. Anytime they’re called after hours, the Village is charged. Chief Strike said they issued a key to him so that any night someone has a dog, he can personally take the dog to animal control. Sigel asked Chief Strike if he is the one to contact if anyone has a dog with no tags. Chief Strike said yes and that most towns pay that $1500 a year for animal control.

Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to discuss at this time.

New Business
The meeting turned to the discussion and approval of the Commissioner Duties and Department Assignments. Commissioner Maupin said that Mayor Hill made it known that she would like to appoint Commissioner Meier to Public Safety, Commissioner Tornow to Streets and Alleys, Commissioner Sigel to Water and Sewer and leave Commissioner Maupin in Accounts and Finance. Sigel said she didn’t really say that about Tornow and himself. Mayor Hill said Tornow and Sigel could decide which they would like to do. Maupin said yes, between Streets and Alleys and Water and Sewer. Sigel said he’d rather the board do this correctly by each one voting. Clerk Leathers said you will. Maupin said there needs to be nominations for each position that each Commissioner will fit in at before voting. Sigel said ok and wanted to know if the voting will happen tonight. Maupin said it can happen tonight. Sigel said he would like that done. And the reason Mayor Hill wants Meier for the Public Safety position is because he is a First Responder. That was the Mayor’s reasoning. Sigel said Mayor Hill never asked him what he could bring to the table for that position. So Sigel took it upon himself to type up and hand out what he could bring to that position. Sigel asked that it be reviewed before voting. Sigel said a lot of it is where each of us would like to be, because if we’re doing what we want it seems like that job will be done better. Sigel said he knows that Meier ran for Roads and Alley ways. Maupin said that we don’t run for certain positions. Sigel said that’s what Meier was wanting. Meier said it really doesn’t make a difference. Sigel said that’s what Meier wanted. Maupin said the thing he’d like to bring up and hopes you take into consideration is normally, the new seats come into the Streets and Alleys and Water and Sewer positions because they’re easier to get going. Maupin asked to please hear him out. Sigel said he’s listening. Maupin said these two positions are a good place to cut your teeth and get your feet wet. Mayor Hill did say we can re-change positions in a year if someone wants out of a current position. Maupin said he knows that these are good places to learn how everything works and to build a plan. Maupin said Meier started out in Streets and Alleys and he himself started in Water and Sewer. The last several new Commissioners that have come on the board, and that haven’t done this before, have filled those two positions. Sigel said he understands. Tornow said the way he looks at it is that the two coming in are to fill the two open positions. Sigel said there’s nothing written saying that’s the format the board should use. Sigel said Maupin thinks the new guys should get the easier positions coming in, but what the board is supposed to do is vote on the open positions. Sigel said he could site it for the board because he has it highlighted in front of him. Maupin said Mayor Hill can change it. The Mayor can nominate us for any of the positions. Sigel said the Mayor can nominate, but it’s up to the board to vote. Maupin said right, but it sounds like it’s not going to go the way the Mayor would like it. Maupin said it will be tabled until the next meeting when the Mayor is present. Sigel said sounds good. We can do it that way or vote tonight. Sigel said it really doesn’t matter. Maupin said lets table it until the Mayor is back. Sigel said so for a full month, the Village will have no one in three positions. Maupin said it’s going to be tabled for now and we’ll come back to it at the next meeting. This is a Democracy, not a Dictatorship. Sigel said then we should go by the rules and the rules state that the first meeting in May, we vote. Maupin said he has the ability to table any issue. Sigel said yes you do. Maupin said he’s using that ability. Sigel said he understands what he’s doing and he hopes everyone keeps a copy of what he handed out.

Building permits issued by Zoning Administrator, Ron Kuepker, were 209 S. Main – new roof, side gables, soffit and gutter, and 104 E. Kimball – replace siding.

There was nothing for communications at this time.

Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Meier with a second by Commissioner Tornow. Sigel asked if this can happen since they’re not in a seated position yet. Maupin said yes. Sigel said he just wants this done right. “Yes” votes were Maupin, Sigel, Meier and Tornow. The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council will be Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.

Kathy A. Leathers

Kristine L. Hill


**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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