January 2, 2018
7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center

Mayor Kristine L. Hill called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00 PM.

Commissioners Robert Sigel and Scott Meier were present. Commissioners Derrick Maupin and Todd Tornow were absent. Police Chief Terry Strike and Assistant Clerk Jamie McIntire were also present. Village Clerk, Kathy Leathers, recorded the written and audio minutes. The meeting was also video recorded.

Mayor Hill led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the December 5, 2017 Regular Meeting were approved as presented.

Reports of Village Officials
Mayor Hill began by saying happy new year. She advised Village residents to keep a water faucet running at a steady stream. It’s pretty critical right now because of the freezing temperatures and Washington Street already had a couple issues. Please call in to Village hall if you feel you need to keep your water running so we can adjust your rates. Especially in some of the older homes. We’d rather you be proactive because it is less expensive.

Remarks from Guests
There were no remarks from guests at this time.

Unfinished Business
Mayor Hill advised that the Adopting of Building Codes will be tabled until able to get through all the given information. She said she’d rather it be done right instead of fast.

New Business
Mayor Hill advised that she’s moving subject A in New Business down in the discussion so there can still be a quorum. Robert Sigel is still legally a resident in town since he’s still receiving mail at his former address. Mayor Hill said she’s not trying to do anything underhanded, but Sigel is still needed to conduct business for this meeting.

The discussion turned to discussing the 2018 Project Plans and Budget Worksheets. Mayor Hill asked if Commissioner Meier had any questions on the matter. He did not. Clerk Leathers advised that Commissioners can be working on them so it can be worked into the budget as we go. Leathers said hopefully Commissioner Tornow received his paperwork on the subject. We need to work on the budget because there is a lot of information to go through. Mayor Hill said we will discuss budget sheets which go hand in hand with the projects. This is the first glimpse at it. If there are any questions feel free to call Clerk Leathers.

The council began to discuss Ordinance NO. O10-18-01-02 an Ordinance Adopting a Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment for the Village of Tampico. Mayor Hill said this in mandatory in the State of Illinois. We had Mr. Shirk draw it up for us and we basically followed what it told us to do. We need a motion and a second on that. A motion was made by Commissioner Meier with a second by Commissioner Sigel.

Clerk Leathers advised that a motion had been made to approve Ordinance NO. O10-18-01-02 an Ordinance Adopting a Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment for the Village of Tampico. “Yes” votes were Sigel, Meier and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.
Village resident Mary Jo Sigel asked Mayor Hill if she could elaborate on the Sexual Harassment Ordinance. Mayor Hill said it’s what’s mandated by the State of Illinois. It puts in place that if there is someone who has a case they’d like to bring forward, they have the power to stand up and take action. Sigel asked if this is for anyone in town. Mayor Hill said no. This is for the Village of Tampico’s employees.

The meeting turned to discussing Ordinance NO. O11-18-01-02 an Ordinance Amending the Tampico Municipal Code Chapter 5.12 Entitled Peddlers. Mayor Hill advised that Chief Strike and herself worked with the Village of Lyndon and Mr. Shirk to help protect the Village of Tampico against Peddlers. We have had several that have also stepped on my doorstep. I asked where is your permit and they said they didn’t need one in town. I told them that’s interesting, but I knew better. This will be put into place to help give us a leg to stand on. This will not affect the Girl Scouts or any not for profit organization. It will actually protect them more. This ordinance also states that residents can have a note on their door stating No Solicitors or anything to that effect. That will give Chief Strike even more power against them to say they weren’t allowed to knock on that door, even with a permit. Mayor Hill said this also allows us to do background checks when needed. Chief Strike and I will be working together quite a bit on that. Chief Strike said we do run background checks now, and two out of the ten that we check do have warrants, but they aren’t expeditable. We don’t want that. Now we take their drivers license and run it and almost every time, they have a warrant. We don’t really want them in town. Mayor Hill said this is to protect the citizens a little more. Mayor Hill asked if there are any questions. Clerk Leathers said they’ve been getting pretty aggressive lately. Chief Strike said especially the ones who are asking about light bills. They’ve put their feet directly into people’s doorways so they can continue talking. Mayor Hill said the sticker on the door does seem to work because my mother put one on hers and she said she doesn’t have anyone knocking on her door anymore. If there’s no questions I need a motion and a second. There was a motion made by Commissioner Sigel and a second from Commissioner Meier. Mayor Hill said there are quite a few scams going around. Whiteside County just came out with another one saying there’s a phone scam trying to get credit card information, so be cautious. Clerk Leathers advised that a motion has been made to approve Ordinance NO. O11-18-01-02 an Ordinance Amending the Tampico Municipal Code Chapter 5.12 Entitled Peddlers. “Yes” votes were Sigel, Meier and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

There were no Building Permits to approve at this time.

There were no Communications at this time.

Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Meier with a second by Commissioner Sigel. Mayor Hill asked if there were any questions. “Yes” votes were Sigel, Meier and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

Mayor Hill asked if there were any more questions or comments. Reporter Jennifer Sleeman asked which Council Commissioner will be resigning. Mayor Hill said Robert Sigel will be resigning. He recently moved out of town. We will be tabling that until the next meeting. Mayor Hill did tell Sigel that he need not be present for that vote because he cannot vote himself. She also thanked Sigel for sitting in on this last meeting and helping out due to low numbers. Sigel said you’re welcome.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council will be Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.

Kathy A. Leathers

Kristine L. Hill


**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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