November 21, 2017
7:00 PM
Reagan Community Center

Mayor Kristine L. Hill called the Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council to order at 7:00 PM.

Commissioners Robert Sigel, Scott Meier and Todd Tornow were present. Commissioner Derrick Maupin was absent. Police Chief Terry Strike and Assistant Clerk Jamie McIntire were also present. Village Clerk, Kathy Leathers, recorded the written and audio minutes. The meeting was also video recorded.

Mayor Hill led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Sigel requested changes to the minutes of the November 7, 2017 Regular Meeting. He said it appears things that were discussed are not in the meeting minutes and I think they should be put in the minutes. Clerk Leathers said ok. Mayor Hill said we had a little glitch at the end and some of the recording wasn’t very clear, when it got right down to the end about the ordinances. Sigel said well, the thing that I really think should be put in there is just before we were voting on the budget, I asked Leathers did any of the money, from our town, did any of our money go to the Day Care, because that was going to be a big factor. And twice she said no, it did not. It’s not in the minutes and it needs to be put in those minutes. Leathers said ok. Sigel said ok, I’d appreciate that. Leathers said not a problem. Sigel said thank you. Mayor Hill said that’s why we ask. Sigel said exactly, and I appreciate that. Leathers said we’ll fix that for the next time. Mayor Hill said there was a little bit that wasn’t relevant to the meeting and it wasn’t very clear at all, so rather then mess it up we omitted a little because it just wasn’t clear.

Reports of Village Officials
Mayor Hill said first I want to thank Greg Cole and Tim Wetzell for helping with the pouring of the cement out front. We got the concrete all done and we’re leaving the barricades up so no one drives up on it right now. There’s still a little lip, but it looks great and it should drain off really nice. Bruce Hill and Superintendent Pierce worked hard on that.

Mayor Hill began speaking on Toys for Tots. She said just another reminder to please bring in whatever you can. I actually remembered today for a change and brought a couple toys.

Mayor Hill advised that garbage pick up will be held on Saturday this week.

Mayor Hill said you’ve probably seen this around town. We posted signs that the police department approved. Just a reminder to people to not be intimidated by peddlers. Whether they come to your door or whether they call you, feel free to call the village, call 911, call whatever you need. They’re getting more aggressive as times gone by. It is a concern. You’re not intruding and it doesn’t matter if you call several times. Chief Strike loves to talk. We want to help people.

Mayor Hill said in light of the fire today, and with the upcoming holidays, I’d like to give people a reminder. There was a large fire in Dixon that six family members perished. I’d like to remind people to check their detectors and extension cords. Just do a safety sweep through your homes. It’s very tragic that a good family won’t be here for this holiday.

Mayor Hill advised that our official Illinois flag has arrived for the Bicentennial. Assistant Clerk McIntire will be presenting that for us. We haven’t seen it yet. It’s coming out of the bag now. It looks very nice. December 4th is when the flag will be flown throughout the state.
Remarks from Guests
There were no remarks from guests at this time.

Unfinished Business
The meeting turned to the discussion of Adopting Building Codes for Unsafe Building Ordinance. Mayor Hill said we haven’t received all our information back from Mr. Shirk so that we can present it properly. We’re still in the process. No worries and there’s nothing underhanded going on. We just haven’t received all the information we need to try and have some constructive discussions about it.

New Business
The council began to discuss the Tampico Recreation Committee Member Resignations. Mayor Hill asked Commissioner Tornow if he had those. He said no. Clerk leathers asked Tornow if he received her email on the subject. He said no he did not. Leathers said I sent it to you as soon as they came in. Tornow said he’ll look when he gets home. Mayor Hill said we had two resignations from the Recreation Board, Brad Wiemken and Josh Mosher. Mayor Hill asked if there are any suggestions of trying to find other people to get on and replace these two. We need to appoint two more people on there so we can start with a good team. Leathers asked Tornow would you like to gather the remaining members and try and have a meeting. Tornow said yes. Mayor Hill said and see what to do. Leathers said to Tornow email me and let me know what a good time would be for you. Tornow said I will check when I get home. I get a million emails a day so it could have been missed. Leathers said we need a motion and a second for this. Commissioner Sigel made a motion to approve the resignation of Brad Wiemken from the Recreation Committee and Commissioner Tornow seconded. “Yes” votes were Sigel, Meier, Tornow and Mayor Hill. The motion carried. Sigel said this might be a stupid question, but what if we all said no. Would they have to stay on the board or how does that work? Leathers said I’ve wondered that myself. Mayor Hill said I know. Meier said it’s a lot of work over there. Over the summer in the back of the field for the minor league, there was Lyme stacked about 15 feet high. We had to do it all by hand. Mayor Hill said hopefully we can find someone else willing. We need a motion and a second for the approval of Josh Moshers resignation from the Recreation Committee. Commissioner Sigel made a motion and a second was made by Commissioner Meier. “Yes” votes were Sigel, Meier, Tornow and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

The meeting turned to the discussion of the Annual Contribution to the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association for Property, Liability and Workman’s Compensation Insurance Coverage. Clerk Leathers said each year when we get our property tax, and we’ll be doing the tax levy coming up soon, a small portion of that goes into the general fund and the rest of it goes into designated funds. Two of the funds are the liability insurance and the workman’s comp insurance. That insurance includes the buildings, insurance on the vehicles and all the property that the village has. This year it’s gone up a percentage and the premium due will be $32,209.42. I have talked with Commissioner Maupin about this and we’re of the mind that we could probably pay it in two installments. The first one would be due on the 15th of December and then the next one would be due by May 11th of 2018. If you have any questions that you would like to ask now, then we can be ready to approve at the next meeting. Mayor Hill said I agree with that. Sigel said now one of the things that we’re breaking down for the totals here, if something changes that’s going to reflect on the difference of the bill, right? Leathers said yes, they’re very good about that. Then too, along with that insurance coverage, they’re great lobbyists for Municipalities down state. They’re the ones that are fighting those two bills right now. Sigel said the insurance is a must anyways. Leathers said yes, and last year we thought about switching. I did make a few calls around and it’s like the first year you get the honeymoon year and then the next year they raise it up even higher then what you’re paying to start with. Mayor Hill said it’s well it. Leathers said I think everybody is better off staying with this. Mayor Hill said it’s easier to budget it out that way too with the two installments. We will have that on the next agenda and Maupin will be here as well then.

Building permits issued by Zoning Administrator, Ron Kuepker, were 307 W. Kimball – gutters and roof, and 113 S. Benton – roof.

Clerk Leathers said I just have the Illinois Municipal League State House Briefing. They’re still keeping an eye on those that worry most of us about the Sales Tax Administrative Fee, and this is in addition to the 10% they took off the top of local government funds. Then they’re still urging Springfield not to approve the Comptroller Audit Clarification. For smaller municipalities, what she’s proposing would be too much. It would be difficult for council members, commissioners and everybody trying to learn how to budget their new way of thinking on an accrual basis instead of actual cash. Some of the larger cities may already be doing that, but I think for most of us in rural America it’s just easier for us to do the cash and we know where we are. Sigel said exactly. Leathers said so they’re trying to get some resolution for that.

Bills were ordered paid on a motion by Commissioner Meier with a second by Commissioner Sigel. Mayor Hill asked if there were any questions. “Yes” votes were Sigel, Meier, Tornow and Mayor Hill. The motion carried.

Mayor Hill asked if anyone had anything else. She said Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

The meeting adjourned at 7:14 PM. The next Regular Meeting of the Tampico Village Council will be Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Reagan Community Center located at 202 W. Second Street.

Kathy A. Leathers

Kristine L. Hill


**These minutes are not official until signed, dated and sealed by the Village Clerk**

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